Saturday, August 30, 2008

Amarillo in the morning!!

I think there is some kinda song that sorta starts that way!!  Good morning everybody, it's Saturday and I can't wait to watch some college football.  We had a good show at the Golden Light in Amarillo last night.  Our Friend Travis Linville played the show with us and will again play tonight in Lubbock.  We always enjoy the Blue Light, so I am looking forward to it. Our single is still moving up the charts!  #8 on the Texas music chart and # 17  on the national Americana chart.  Thanks for calling stations if you have and If you haven't, help a brother out!!!!  We have done so well moving up these charts.  We are up against big labels that have lots of money and can get crap played.  We are not on a big label and don't have lots of money.  Hats off to the great stations playing our music.  It really takes big balls from a Program or Music Director to add a song like 'Mile by Mile' to the rotation of top 40 country.  Many times it might mean a thrashing from the Boss, but they are listening to you want to hear!!  Or what they want to hear!!  I guess my whole point is that I love listening to the radio, better than CD's or an Ipod.  I love the way the compression works to make the songs pop out of the speakers.  I love the DJ's voice, so much I married one.  I especially love hearing a song I wrote and Sang!  Probably one of the best feelings ever.  I remember the very first time I heard myself singing on the radio.  It was in 1996 from a live songwriter show.  I'm sure if I heard it today I might not thing too highly of the performance but back then it was great!!!  I turned it up as loud as my speakers could handle and pulled into a 7-11 and rolled down all the windows.  Just waiting for someone to ask me who that was singing.  No one asked but it still sounded wonderful.  We got well over 1000 spins last week alone and I still get that same sense of pride and accomplishment every time. OK I have rambled enough.  Have a great weekend.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mile By Mile Number 9# on Texas Music chart

Still Moving up the charts, Mile by Mile slipped into the ninth spot this week on the Texas Music Chart! This chart adds up all the spins for radio stations in and around Texas that play Texas Music.  On another note, had a great week of show including Lufkin and Galveston.  This week we have two shows, Friday at Gilleys in Dallas and Saturday at Warehouse live in Houston.  I have a good feeling these will be great shows.  SO.... If you have been waiting to check out the band, here is your chance!  See you there!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Top 10 on Texas Music Chart

You read it here first!  Honeybrowne's single, Mile by Mile, moved up to the tenth spot on the Texas Music Chart.  Pretty freakin' cool if you ask me.  We have not had a single on the chart since Something to believe in made it to number 5 in 2006.  We only got 9 more spots till number 1!!  So if you have a moment, call your nearest radio station and request Mile by Mile.  Here is a list of all the stations in Texas and Oklahoma.  I stole this from Rich O'Tool but don' tell anyone!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Well.... We're waiting!!!

Lets have some feedback on the new CD!!  The band had a great time recording Mile by Mile.  We want to hear your thoughts on it.  Did you like the songs??  The guitar sound was good??  Anything and everything about it.